Youth Ministry (LYF)
Our goal is to facilitate the collective discipleship of our students by moving them through a process of seeing, seeking, and serving God.
We want our students to see that they are loved by God, by our group, and by our church. We want our students to see that they belong. We want our students to see that God has made eternal life possible for them in Jesus and that a life spent following Jesus is the best life anyone could live. We seek to help students see these things at Wednesday night youth group, camp, retreats, and other local events. Students who see and believe these things are invited into a life of seeking Jesus and becoming more like him.
We believe you become what you seek, so our goal is to equip students with everything they need to seek Jesus with their lives. We do this by teaching through the bible on Sunday mornings, pairing new Christians with mentors in our church, and by practicing spiritual disciplines together at our “Jesus Practice” gatherings on Sunday nights. Jesus Practice happens regularly throughout the year, and it is a time for students to learn practices to help them grow into the likeness of Christ. Students who seek are given opportunities to continue in their growth through serving.
We believe that becoming like Jesus ultimately means dying to ourselves and becoming a servant. We have a variety of different ways for our most committed students to serve on a consistent basis. Students who are interested in serving within the youth ministry can join our student leadership team. We also have occasional service projects on our calendar throughout the year, including monthly service projects on Wednesday nights. One of our main opportunities to serve is our annual summer mission trip. In addition to serving on the trip students also serve throughout the year to earn money to pay for their trip.
Sunday Mornings
On Sunday morning at 9:30 am our Middle School students meet in room 126 and our High School students meet in room 122 for Bible class. These rooms are located in the east wing of the building underneath the worship center. To find these rooms students should go down the stairs on the right side of the entrance to the worship center and head down the tiled-floor hallway. The purpose of our Sunday morning bible class is to make sure our students know God's word and how it applies to their lives. Students who enter our youth group in 6th grade will have been taught the entire bible by the time they graduate High School.
Talk to a Leader
Trey Clark
Trey is passionate about helping students see the relevance of scripture in their lives, equipping students with adult mentors, and creating a culture of Christ-centered friendship and unity that transcends the divisions seen in our world today. Reach out to Trey with any questions you have today!
Kimberlin Roberts
Kimberlin is passionate about helping students create a foundation of faith that will continue to grow as they mature in life. She would love to connect with you about the LYF program if you have questions!