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Sunday Morning Classes

9:30-10:15 AM


Tuesday Morning Ladies’ Class

Build relationships with us as we connect over God’s Word. Join us for Bible study most Tuesday mornings. The Laurel Room is located upstairs, so park near the main entrance of our building. We can’t wait to see you there next Tuesday!

Wednesday Evening Bible Classes, 7:00-7:45 PM

Wed. Evening Adult Classes - During the summer we will go directly to our classes

American Sign Language Class - Learn basic ASL in Room 211 led by Matthew Tuxberry

A Study of Luke’s Gospel – In the Laurel Room (upstairs) organized by Mark Smith and led by Mark; a new teacher will lead the discussion every two weeks.

Discussion Class – In Room 214 led by Robin Smith based on the book Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts by Jennie Allen.

Lobby Church - Coffee and fellowship in the lobby.

Walking Class – Meet in front of the building at 7 PM (weather dependent).

Running Class – Meet in front of the building at 7 PM (weather dependent).

LYFT (Youth Ministry) - Room 126 led by Trey Clark - LYFT begins at 6:45 p.m. w/optional brown bag dinner at 6; small groups follow worship and a short message; during the summer open gym begins at 4:30 p.m.

TeamKID (Kids in Discipleship): Pre-school & Elementary Bible Class (age 3 thru 5th grade) – Pre-school meets in Room 104 led by Mark Reese, Elementary meets in Room 105/107 led by Cindy Taylor.

Nursery (thru age 2) – Room 201-209 led by various leaders.

Wed. Evening College Classes - College-age adults have two gatherings (6 PM & 7:30 PM) with dinner in between at 7 PM at the CSC (1821 Melrose Ave.) during the school year for Mid-Week Summit.


Our nursery has classes for infants, toddlers, and 2-year-olds Sundays at 9:30 AM and Wednesdays at 7:00 PM. Nursery care is offered during our 10:30 Sunday service.

Preschool and Elementary

Classes are offered each Sunday morning at 9:30am and Wednesdays (TeamKID) at 7:00 PM. Classrooms are located in the downstairs hallway. Children begin attending our preschool classes at age 3. Kids move up to the youth group (LYF) upon finishing


When our children reach 6th grade, they become part of our youth group, known as Laurel Youth Fellowship (LYF). The LYF room is downstairs directly under the Worship Center. Middle school (6th-8th grades) and high school (9th-12th grades) students have their own classes Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM and meet together Wednesday evenings at 6:45 PM. For more information about classes and activities for teens, reach out to Trey Clark or Kimberlin Roberts.


Sundays during the school year, Laurel offers a class for all area college students at 9:30 AM in the Orange Room (Room 113/115). For other opportunities for Bible study and spiritual growth, please see the UT Christian Student Center website.