LYF Update February 2025
Click here for all registrations and other links.
Current Happenings
Sunday Morning Middle School Class: Colossians - Sabrina Johnson - Room 122 - 9:30am Sunday Morning High School Class: Hebrews - Trey Clark - Room 126 - 9:30am
Wednesday Night Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom - In Mark 1:14-15 Jesus announces the good news that the Kingdom of God has drawn near, but what does that look like? - Room 122 - 6:45-8:00. The youth group also meets for open gym from 6-6:45. Students are welcome to bring their own dinner to eat in the gym at this time as well.
Spring Jesus Practice: The Sermon on the Mount - What are some practices from the way of Jesus that can help us train to become more obedient to Matthew 5-7? This semester we’ll be learning about practices like fasting, confession, sabbath, and more practices that directly correlate to spiritual growth into the kinds of people described in the Sermon on the Mount.
January Recap
2025 is off to a great start for LYF! We began 2025 with a Wednesday night focused on prayer for the new year. Despite having to cancel one Jesus practice for snow we were able to begin our semester-long focus on training to obey Jesus’s teachings from the Sermon on the Mount. Thanks to the Martin’s for hosting us! At our 4 for 30 we started making blankets for Project Linus. We’ll finish those blankets at our next 4 for 30. We also had a ton of fun at Main Event, just a few days before baby Clark was born! Thanks so much to everyone for the prayers and support! We have truly felt the hope and peace of Christ during this time - Trey
February Dates
2/2: Student Info Sheets Due - We do this about once a year to try and maintain up to date information about our students. Click here to fill out your student info sheet if you haven’t already. Everyone who fills one out by 2/2 will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a gift card of their choosing.
2/2: Jesus Practice-Confession - Sunday 2/2 from 5:30-8:00 at the Clemmons’ House. Dinner will be provided. There will be a time of fun/fellowship, worship, and a time to learn about and practice confession together.
2/9: Jesus Practice-Sabbath - Sunday 2/9 from 12:00-2:00 at the White’s House. Lunch will be provided. There will be a time of fun/fellowship, and a time to learn/discuss the practice of Sabbath with the goal of practicing it in the weeks that follow.
2/12: 4 for 30 - Our once a month special Wednesday where we have 30 minutes to eat, serve, connect with one another, and connect with God. On 4 for 30 Wednesdays dinner is provided. At this 4 for 30 we will finish making our blankets for Project Linus.
2/14-16: Winterfest - It’s almost here! Registration for Winterfest is currently closed. Everyone who has registered will need to watch the Winterfest rules video and fill out the Winterfest rules quiz before we leave Friday 2/14. We’ll plan on meeting at Laurel at 4:30pm to load the bus with the goal of pulling out of the parking lot by 5:00pm. Students do not need to bring dinner Friday night as we will provide a pizza dinner at the hotel for students before Friday night’s session. Students will however need to bring money for two meals in Gatlinburg (I’d recommend $40) and any additional spending money they’d like to have. I will post the packing list here when I have it ready. I will also send it out via remind.
2/19: Roots - Monthly whole church gathering on Wednesday nights that includes dinner, worship, a time for table discussion, and more. Dinner is served at 6:00, but students/families will need to register and pay for their dinner. Click here to register.
2/23: Leader Night - A gathering for LYF adult volunteers and student leadership team. At leader night we share a meal, worship, spend time in scripture, and work to improve LYF together. If any students are interested in being part of the student leadership team, or if any adults are interested in serving with LYF please let me know!