Join us Sundays @

8:30am or 10:30am

We’d love to see you this week! Our weekend gatherings are fun, inspirational, and a great place to find community. Our 8:30 service is in the Laurel Room, which holds about 80 people. Our 10:30 service is in the Worship Center. Bible classes for all ages begin at 9:30am.

Let us know you’re coming.

Planning to join us soon? We would love to know you’ll be here! Drop us a line below so we can plan to meet you in the main lobby.


Welcome to Laurel

We pray this is a place you can call home and that you will consider partnering with us as we follow Christ and minister to our neighbors.


A Few Fun Facts

Kids’ Groups Available

From nursery through elementary school, we have several kids’ groups that meet Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. We believe our kids need relationship with each other and together we explore God’s Word with hands-on activities, music and learning.

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Fresh Coffee Bar

We think Sunday mornings should be relaxing and rejuvenating. Right when you walk in our main lobby, hop over for a fresh cup from Knoxville Coffee Company, ground and brewed in house by our coffee bar team.


What to Expect

What Should I Wear?

People at Laurel dress in a variety of ways - from traditional “Sunday best” to jeans and a t-shirt, any dress style is welcome. Most of our members dress in business-casual attire.

Where Should I Park?

When you arrive, you’ll find plenty of parking on all sides of the building. If you need assistance in entering the building or parking your vehicle, please pull under our covered East entrance and a member of Laurel will be glad to assist you. Guest parking is marked if you would like to take advantage of those spots.

Do I need to check in?

Parents are required to check in kids ages 5th grade and younger upon arrival (if they are attending nursery and/or classes). While checking in is not necessary for teenagers or adults, please feel free to introduce yourself to any one of the many Laurel members available at the main entrance. Fill out a Guest Card at the Welcome Center to receive a gift. There are also maps available along with a current list of our 9:30am classes. If you would like to share your contact information with us, stop by the information booth in the upstairs lobby. When you fill out a Guest Card, we will give you a bag of coffee or a gift card.

Is Childcare Provided?

Our Nursery is available for ages 2 and during our 10:30am service.

Do Students Meet on Sundays?

We have Bible classes for all ages at 9:30am each Sunday. For nursery through 5th grade, Laurel offers several classes where our children learn God’s Word through hands-on activities, music, and learning. Students in middle school (Room 126) and high school (Room 122) meet on the first floor of our building. College students meet in Room 113/115, otherwise known as the Orange Room.

Do You Meet During the Week?

Each Wednesday at 7:00pm several adult Bible classes meet on the second floor of our building. Preschool and elementary kids meet downstairs for TeamKID (Kids in Discipleship), and a nursery class meets upstairs. Check our classes page for more details.

The youth group worships together, gathers for a short message, and connects through fun activities each Wednesday from 6:45-8:00pm in the LYF Room (Room 126).

There is also a women’s Bible class that meets most Tuesday mornings.

Several Small Groups also gather at various times.

Have A Question?

We get it.. And we’re here to help!

If you have any questions about who we are, where we’re at, or how we do things, just ask!

Visit Us

Laurel Church of Christ
Physical Address: 3457 Kingston Pike, Knoxville 37919

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 10248, Knoxville 37939