LYF Update March 2025

Click here for all registrations and other links.

Current Happenings

Sunday Morning Middle School Class: Parables - Ava Carter - Room 122 - 9:30am Sunday Morning High School Class: Matthew - Trey Clark - Room 126 - 9:30am

Wednesday Night Series: The Gospel of the Kingdom - In Mark 1:14-15 Jesus announces the good news that the Kingdom of God has drawn near, but what does that look like? - Room 122 - 6:45-8:00. The youth group also meets for open gym from 6-6:45. Students are welcome to bring their own dinner to eat in the gym at this time as well.

Spring Jesus Practice: The Sermon on the Mount - What are some practices from the way of Jesus that can help us train to become more obedient to Matthew 5-7? This semester we’ll be learning about practices like fasting, confession, sabbath, and more practices that directly correlate to spiritual growth into the kinds of people described in the Sermon on the Mount.

February Recap

February has been an awesome month for LYF! We’ve done a lot, but I’m always going to remember February 2025 as the month when Jayla Morgan was baptized into Christ. Next time you see Jayla congratulate her, welcome her into the family, and ask how you can pray for her as she begins her walk with the Lord! Heading into March I’m most excited about the new systems we’re putting in place to help students form intergenerational relationships at Laurel. I’m also looking forward to Solid Rock. Let me know if you want to perform!

March Dates

3/2: Jesus Practice at the Carter’s -Sunday 3/2 from 5:30-8:00. Dinner will be provided. There will be a time of fun/fellowship, worship, and a time to learn about and practice confession together.

3/9: Solid Rock-Solid Rock is Laurel’s annual talent show fundraiser event to raise money for LYF’s Summer Mission Trip. A chili dinner is provided starting at 5:30 in the gym, and the show will begin shortly thereafter. The talent show includes performances from Laurel members as well as songs from Laurel’s House Band. During intermission there will be a brief presentation about LYF’s plans for serving with Camp Barnabas followed by a collection. If anyone is interested in performing in solid rock they should contact Trey Clark. We’re also putting together a silent auction if anyone would like to donate artwork, gifts, services, or experiences to be auctioned off. Any students planning on attending the mission trip should fill out the form linked here.

3/12: Roots-Monthly whole church gathering on Wednesday nights that includes dinner, worship, a time for table discussion, and more. Dinner is served at 6:00, but students/families will need to register and pay for their dinner. Click here to register.

3/19-21: Spring Break Serve-We’re working on putting together some service projects for students who are going to be in town over Spring Break. Let Trey know if you are interested in participating!

3/23: Leader Night-A gathering for LYF adult volunteers and student leadership team. At leader night we share a meal, worship, spend time in scripture, and work to improve LYF together. If any students are interested in being part of the student leadership team, or if any adults are interested in serving with LYF please let me know! This will be from 4:30-7:30

3/26: 4 for 30-Our once a month special Wednesday where we have 30 minutes to eat, serve, connect with one another, and connect with God. On 4 for 30 Wednesdays dinner is provided.

3/28: One Awesome Celebration-7pm-10pm. This is our annual event designed to give 4th and 5th grade student’s in Laurel’s Childrens and Justlead ministries a taste of what it’s like to be in the youth group. We’ll have dinner, a brief time of worship, and play some fun games together.


March Bible Reading Plan


Registration and Other Links