Small Groups
Small Groups at Laurel are made of individuals and families who enjoy doing life together.
Find a Group
Small Groups at Laurel provide opportunities for spiritual growth and a deepening of faith in Jesus Christ. Our small groups include time for deep Bible study and discussion, prayer, meditation, and encouragement to shine Christ’s light throughout the week. We lift one another up, invite one another in, and strengthen one another through the Holy Spirit.
Each Small Group is unique and different. Some fit a specific age bracket or season of life, others meet in a particular geographical area, and still others gather on a specific night of the week to fit busy schedules.
Feel free to reach out to any of the group leaders below. We’re confident there is a place for you to belong!
+ Central Knoxville
**Young Families**
Trey & Jessica Clark
Sunday after late service at Laurel
[Email the Clarks][1]
**Retirees - At Laurel (Meeting on Zoom for the winter)**
Dewey Garton
Sundays 6-8pm
[Email Dewey][2]
**New Group: Intergenerational - Marble City**
Matt Deen
Every other Sunday 6pm
[Email Matt][3]
Mixed age Families**
Marcus & Sarah Cathey
Sunday after late service at Laurel
[Email the Catheys][4]
+ North Knoxville
Gary & Sherri Guyette
Sundays 6pm
[Email the Guyettes][5]
+ East Knoxville
Joe Durnin
Every other Tuesday
Virtual option
Email [Joe][6]
+ South Knoxville
**Intergenerational - Blount County area**
Amber Ross & Donna Corley
6:15pm every other Monday evening
Email [Donna][7] or [Amber][8]
+ West Knoxville
**Intergenerational w/kids (Toddler - Middle School)**
Deedee Hatchell and Ed & Wendy Smith
Thursdays 5:30-7:30pm
[Email Wendy Smith][9]
John & Cheryl Nehls
Weekly (day varies) 6:30-8pm
[Email the Nehls][10]
**Baby Boomers**
Mark & Robin Smith
Sundays 2-4pm
[Email the Smiths][11]
Anthony & Pat Fuller
1st & 3rd Sundays 5:30pm
[Email the Fullers][12]
**New Group: Young Families**
Jason & Megan Mundie
Sundays 5pm (Twice monthly)
[Email the Mundies][13]
**New Group: Young Adults**
Jana & Jonathan Thomas and Larry & Jennifer Ray
Tuesdays 6:00 PM
[Email the Rays][14]
[Email the Thomases][15]
Start or Join a Small Group!
Meet Jonathan Thomas
Jonathan helps organize the many Small Groups here at Laurel, providing resources and ideas to get you started. Feel free to reach out for help starting or joining a group!