Local Missions
We are always looking for volunteers to help support how we serve our community.
How can we serve you?
Volunteer Ministry Center
On the second Tuesday of each month, Laurel members cook and serve lunch to homeless people at the Volunteer Ministry Center, 511 North Broadway, from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Counseling Services
We recognize the need for people to find help—life happens. While we do not have a formal counseling ministry, several members of the congregation and other professionals in the community provide professional counseling services. Some accept insurance; others have an income-based fee scale. All are committed Christians you can trust. Contact the church office at 524-1122 to be directed to someone who can answer your questions about counseling services.
Facility Use
We ask those interested in using our building for events to agree to the following guidelines:
Ensure the safety of everyone involved
Keep the cost of using the building reasonable
Preserve the beauty and functionality of the building
Ensure that only activities keeping with Christian principles take place in the building
Show consideration for those of our staff who clean up after your event
Reservations for using the building for weddings and other events can be made by non-members and members no more than six months prior to the event date. For various reasons, wedding rehearsal dinners are not allowed in the building. The church calendar is given priority when reservations are being made, and weddings will not be scheduled on Sundays. For reservations, call the church office at 865-524-1122 or email at laureloffice@laurelcc.org.
Third Creek Bike Trail
The greenway for the trail runs behind the church building. Users may park in the church parking lot and a water fountain is available near the western side of the building.