LYF Update 12/30
Hello everyone!
I hope you all had a joyful and peaceful Christmas together and am praying for the same for your New Year. Here’s some info about what’s coming up towards the beginning of 2023 for LYF:
If you haven’t yet seen the 2023 Spring Calendar you can download it here.
Wednesday 1/4 - Pre-Singing Gym Hangout: This upcoming Wednesday 1/4 LYF will be joining the rest of the congregation for an evening of praise in the auditorium starting at 6:45. Since students are out of school and the gym is available, I thought it would be a good excuse for LYF to get together. I’ll open up the gym at 4:30 for students to come shoot basketball, play Pisagi (Polish Ping Pong), play jackbox games on the projector until time to head upstairs for the singing. I’ll order some pizza and have soda and water available as well. Let me know if you plan on coming so I can know how much pizza to order.
Sunday 1/8 - Pour: Pour is a monthly gathering of LYF students that want to use their gifts to ‘pour’ back into the youth ministry by serving in one of five different ministry teams. Those ministry teams are 1) Social Media 2) Hospitality 3) Artwork/LYF Room Decor 4) Worship and 5) Video Production. Pour will be in the LYF room from 6:00-7:30. SALT will meet before then at 4:30. Click here to register.
1/13-16 - Spiritual Disciplines Retreat: There’s still one spot available for any student interested in coming on the Spiritual Disciplines Retreat. Click here for all the details and a link to the application. The cost will be $25 per student. This will cover gas and some meals. Students attending will also need to bring money for two casual dinners out and one dinner out at a “high end” restaurant. I’d recommend $80 to be on the safe side. Students should also pack indoor and outdoor clothes for cold weather and bring 1 (and only 1) thing to do during free time (a card game, board game, frisbee, a book to read etc…). Students can bring their phones, but will be asked to keep them away for the vast majority of the retreat. I’ll have my phone available in the event of an emergency.
1/22 - Devo at the Peeks: Sunday 1/22 from 5-7pm we’ll have a devotional at the home of Bishop Peek. Dinner will be provided. Click here to register so the Peek’s know how much food to provide.
2/5 - Glow in the Dark Celebration: Our next Celebration event will be Sunday February 12 from 5-8pm and will be glow in the dark themed. We’ll have black lights and plenty of glow sticks for everyone. We’ll play a lot of fun games using the black lights and glow sticks. Dinner will also be provided. Click here to register
2/12 - Pour: We will have another event on Sunday February 12th. Because this is Superbowl Sunday our plan will be to do POUR from 1:00-2:30. This gives families time to grab lunch after worship and be done in time for the big game. SALT will meet immediately after worship and lunch will be provided for them.
2/17-19 - Winterfest: Registration for Winterfest 2023 is live. I’d recommend registering your student asap. The registration deadline is pending the deadline yet to be given to me by the hotel. There is potential that I could find out Monday that the deadline is the following Wednesday (or something like that). To avoid getting left out as a result of a passing deadline that has yet to be shared with me, go ahead and register your student asap. Click here for the link with all info about Winterfest, including a link to the registration.
Let me know if you’ve got any questions, and may the peace of Christ be with you!