Winterfest 2025
LYF’s next big trip is Winterfest 2024! Winterfest is a conference for Church of Christ youth groups in Gatlinburg, TN. Sessions include entertainment, worship, lessons, dramas, and much more. During free time students can have fun exploring downtown Gatlinburg. The cost is $125 which includes registration, two nights in the Holiday Inn Downtown Gatlinburg, and a pizza dinner on Friday night. Our hotel has a great breakfast, but students also need to bring money to pay for two meals in downtown Gatlinburg. I recommend $40 for this. The dates for Winterfest are 2/14-16 Click here to explore the Winterfest website and learn more about the Winterfest experience.
Registration for Winterfest is now live. You can click here to register. After registering students will be required to watch a youtube video explaining the rules to Winterfest and then complete a quiz to ensure they understand.
Due to the nature of the trip Winterfest requires more chaperones than any other LYF trip or event. This year we are requiring a chaperone in every hotel room, and chaperones are not allowed to share a bed with a student that is not their own child. For this reason we need a plethora of parents of same-gendered students (Moms of Female Lyf students and Dads of male LYF students) to agree to chaperone the trip. The cost for chaperones is $75. If any parents are interested in chaperoning please let me know asap!
Looking forward to Winterfest 2025! Please let me know if you have any questions!