Wednesday Night Small Groups

Hello all!

Our Wednesday night small groups will resume on Wednesday September 7th. I’m super excited to get back into our groups and see how God can use these groups to help make us more like Christ , help us grow closer to one another, and help our students connect with awesome mentors. We had mixed reviews about small groups last school year, so here’s how they will be different this upcoming year:

1) Instead of having a group of 6-8 students that are together every Wednesday, students will be placed into smaller groups of 3-4. Each small group of 3-4 will meet with different groups throughout the school year. For example group A might meet with group B one week, then group C the next week, or they may just meet by themselves depending on the week. Each group of 3-4 will have one leader.

2) Instead of talking about how we might be able to respond to the text while we’re not together, we’ll be focusing on responding to God’s word while we are together. For example, if the message is about encouragement we will spend time in our small groups encouraging one another instead of talking hypothetically about how we might be able to to encourage others later.

3) More emphasis on practicing and teaching prayer and other spiritual disciplines in our small groups.

If it weren’t confusing I’d rename our "small groups “response groups,” because they will be all about responding to the text together. I’m convicted that these changes will be more transformational than typical “discussion based” groups.

Students who plan on consistently coming on Wednesday nights during the school year can register here. Students will have the opportunity to say the names of some people they would like to be in their group when they register.




LYF Update