LYF Update

Hello everyone!

LYF has had a great week so far with the return of Pour and an awesome night at LYFT, and we’ve got a lot coming up! Here’s a quick recap of this past week before we get into everything that’s coming up:


Pour: This past Sunday was the relaunch of “Pour.” We had students leading and serving in 5 different ministry teams: Worship, Connections/Outreach, Artwork/LYF Decor, Video, and Social Media. It was incredibly encouraging to see the extent our students went to to pour back into the ministry. Here’s everything that was accomplished by our students.

  • Songs Planned and slides prepared for LYFT through Tuesday.

  • Brainstormed how to help students connect with God in different ways.

  • New artwork hung on the walls.

  • Outreach team compiled list of students to invite to upcoming events.

  • Plan was made for how to redecorate LYF room.

  • Announcement video was filmed and edited.

  • Social Media has been revamped with plans for daily posts on Instagram and TikTok.

LYFT: Last night we talked about being a youth group that puts the love of God on display so that those who don’t know what to believe might be convinced that God and his love our real. We want to people who come to our youth group for the first time to be able to SEE God’s love reflected in us. I asked every student to write down on a notecard the name of one person they wanted to invite to come and SEE God’s love put on display. I made a deal with the students that if everyone who’s name was written down on their notecards came to any LYF event between now and January 22, the students would be allowed to pick what I wear the next time I preach. I’m really excited to see the fruit that comes from this as we make an effort to help people SEE Jesus.

Coming Up

LYF 101 - Orientation for New Families - 8/28 - 3:30-4:30 - LYF Room - Registration

Celebration - Games, Pizza, Worship, Games - $5 - 8/28 - 5:00-8:00 - LYF Room -Registration

Small Group Relaunch - Wednesday Nights - Starting 9/7 - LYF Room

MS and HS Devos - 9/11 - MS 5-7 @ the Whites - HS 5:15-7:15 @ the Keims - Registration

Mission Trip Interest Meeting - 9/18 - 8:30am - LYF Room - Registration


Wednesday Night Small Groups


MS and HS Devos