October 2023 Events

Click here for all Registration Links

10/1: Hawaii Mission Trip interest meeting - In LYF Room immediately after late worship.

10/1: Salt Meeting - Before small groups 3-4:30.

10/8: No Small groups due to Fall Break.

10/11: No Youth Group due to Fall Break.

10/27: Bonfire at the Russells - 7pm-10pm. A bonfire with other fun Fall Activities. Will send out address via Remind prior to event.

10/29: Fall Retreat Registration deadline - Retreat is 11/17-11/19 and costs $75. $20 for Justlead Students. The Fall Retreat will be at Smoky Mountain Christian Camp. We’ll meet at Laurel at 5:00 on Friday 11/17 and be back on 11/19 around noon. A packing list will be sent out via remind closer to the Retreat.

Small Groups - Will meet every Sunday night except for 10/8. Small groups are from 5-7.

Wednesdays - We’ll meet for dinner/open gym at 6. Bring your own dinner. Youth Group starts at 6:45.


Hawaii Trip Update


Fall 2023 Calendar