Hawaii Trip Update

Click here to download the form that was handed out at the meeting on October 1.

Here are the main “headlines” from that meeting:

1) Fundraising will be done primarily by students working to raise money to pay for their trip.

2) Students secure their spot by raising $300 and submitting a deposit. The first 14 students (currently in 8th grade or older) to raise $300 will be the students who attend.

3) In order to keep a level playing field we’re asking parents not to give us a check without your students working to earn it, whether by doing chores/tasks at home or for neighbors, or by working for church members.

4) I’m working on finding as many opportunities as possible for students to earn money for their deposit. In the meantime parents can be looking for those opportunities for their students as well.

5) Trip Details: July 10-21. 14 students Max (20 total people). Cost estimated to be around $1100 but group rates for flights are not yet available.


Bonfire at the Russell’s


October 2023 Events