LYF Update 3/8/22
Hello everyone! Here's everything coming up for LYF this month:
Wednesday Night (3/9)
Tomorrow night (3/9) we will be concluding our "Narrow Path" series with an exercise in practicing new spiritual disciplines. All semester we've been talking about the difficult and challenging teachings of Jesus. We want to close by highlighting to our students that unless we remain connected to the vine that is Jesus, we will not be able to walk this narrow path. With that being the case we're going to be spending tomorrow night learning and practicing some different disciplines that will help us abide in Christ. I'm really excited about tomorrow and about the fruit that I believe will come from it if students put these disciplines into practice. Youth group starts at 6:45, but students can come early for dinner at 6:00.
Spring Break Plans
We will have no youth group the Wednesday of Spring Break (3/16).
We will still have bible class on Sunday 3/13 and 3/20. Bible class this coming Sunday 3/13 will be a combined middle and high school bible class.
Solid Rock (3/27)
The Solid Rock talent show fundraiser will be Sunday 3/27 from 6-8. This year the show will take place in the auditorium with refreshments available in the foyer after the show. The deadline to sign up to perform will be Sunday 3/20. All talents are welcome to perform. Acts do not have to be musical.
The money raised at Solid Rock will go towards paying for our mission trip to Albany, GA this summer. The dates for the mission trip are July 17-21, and the price will be determined after we've taken into account how much $ we raise. I expect it to be comparable to last year's trip, which was $200. Any students who are planning on attending the Mission Trip should plan on attending Solid Rock.
Performers can register to perform at Solid Rock by using the link below. Even if you've already told me you plan on performing, please still register to make things easier for me.
Spring Retreat (4/22-24)
I also want to go ahead and get the following information out about Spring Retreat. The dates are 4/22-24 and the cost will be $40 for the early bird and $50 after that. The deadline for the early bird registration will be Sunday 4/3, and the hard deadline for registering for the trip will be Sunday 4/17. The Spring retreat will be back at the Reeve's cabin near Tellico Plains for the first time since 2019. Spring Retreat is a much more relaxed and laid back experience compared to the Fall Retreat. We'll have a schedule that we'll follow loosely, with the main focus of the weekend being a time to get away and spend time enjoying one another's company. Students can register using the link below.
If anyone has any questions about anything coming up please let me know!
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May his face shine upon you. May the Lord be gracious to you and give you peace.