LYF Update 2/8/22
LYF Update 2/7/22
At this point Winterfest registration is closed. If any student would like to attend but has not yet registered they can be put on a waiting list in case anyone drops out. If anyone has any questions about their balance please let me know. Please make sure and pay before we leave either via breeze or by writing a check made out to Laurel Church of Christ)
All students attending Winterfest will be required to correctly fill out the Winterfest Rules Quiz which is linked below. Students will watch the youtube video (also linked below) which goes over the answers to the quiz, and fill in the answers while watching. We're doing this to make sure every student knows whats expected of them and none will be without excuse any sort of misbehavior.
Our plan is to meet at Laurel at 4:30 on Friday 2/18. We'll be back Sunday around the time the late worship assembly is letting out. If we don't have a permission to treat form on file for your student we will need one before Winterfest. We also need a new permission to treat form for any students whose insurance information may have changed. There is also a link below where you can download the packing list.
Solid Rock/Mission Trip
There has been a change of plans regarding the Solid Rock talent show/fundraiser. Instead of being a fundraiser for the CSC on 2/27 it will now be a fundraiser for the LYF Mission trip to Albany, GA this summer. Solid Rock has also been pushed back to 3/27. With it being a fundraiser for the LYF Mission trip, everyone who plans on attending the Mission Trip will be expected to help out. We'll especially need students who attended last year's trip to shareInstead of having the show and a Chili dinner is the gym the plan is to have finger foods in the lobby after the show, which will be held in the worship center.
The Mission Trip dates are July 17-21, and we expect the cost to be similar to what it was last year, which was $200. How much the trip ends up costing per student will be based on how much is raised at the fundraiser.
High School Girls Hangout
Thursday 2/10 the high school girls and small group leaders are planning to get together to watch the "Redeeming Love" movie at 7:00 at Halls Cinema. The movie is based on the Francine Rivers novel, which is based on the book of Hosea. In the book of Hosea, Hosea is asked by God to marry a prostitute named Gomer. This serves as a metaphor for God's love for us. The novel "Redeeming Love" being based on Hosea means the use of sexually explicit themes, and my understanding is that the movie is very faithful to the book. The movie is rated PG-13. We're strongly encouraging parents to do their research before deciding whether or not to send their High School daughters to this movie.
Other Things
Our next Celebration event is going to be March 6, so go ahead and mark your calendars for that as well as encouraging your students to think about what friend they could invite.
The calendar we sent out included a Laurel Family Retreat from April 8-10. That has been changed to a family day on April 9th and will be at Laurel.
Also don't forget our Spring Retreat is April 22-24.
Small Groups are going strong on Wednesday nights as we discuss what it looks like to walk the narrow path Jesus describes in Matthew 7. So far we've talked about how following Jesus means denying ourselves and how we can expect some people to hate us for our faith. This week we're talking about forgiveness and love for our enemies. Dinner at 6:00 and we start at 6:45 and end at 8:00.
If anyone has any questions let me know!
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May his face shine upon you. May the Lord be gracious to you and give you peace.
- Trey