LYF This Week 5/9-14

Hello all!

Our graduation Sunday dinner was this past Sunday night. I want to wish a big giant thank you to everyone who helped make Graduation Sunday happen!

Here’s some LYF related news to be aware for this week!

Wednesday Night (5/10): These last few Wednesdays before summer are going to be pretty low key. We’re meeting at 6:00 for dinner and 6:45 for some hanging out/games before doing a brief devotional on some “courageous characters” from scripture.

T-shirts: We’ve got summer shirts coming! $15 super soft tees designed to look like a concert t-shirt with “tour” dates on the back (our summer calendar). Here’s the what the front looks like. Click here to order your shirt as soon as possible so we can have them here by Summer Kickoff Party.

May Newsletter: Speaking of the Summer Kickoff Party….click here to see the May Newsletter with registration links for everything going on this month.

LYF 101 5/21: We’re having to move LYF 101 to immediately after worship instead of doing it that evening. Read more about that in the May Newsletter.

Summer Trip Registration: The time to register for our summer trips is now! Info with links are below!

Middle School Camp - June 11-16 - $235-$255 - Reg. Deadline 5/28 - Current 5th-8th Graders - Registration

IMPACT - June 19-24 - $295 - Reg. Deadline 5/17 - Current 8th-12th Graders - Registration

Mission Trip - July 16-20 - $0 for Solid Rock Helpers - Reg. Deadline 5/24 - Current 8th-12th Graders - Registration

Summer Hospitality Signups: We’re still looking for volunteers to do one of these three things: 1) Host an intern for dinner 2) Host the youth group for a devo or 3) Provide dinner for LYF on a Wednesday night during the summer. Click here to access the google doc and signup for one of these three things. If you’re unable to edit it, let me know and I can sign you up. Thanks in advance!

Summer Calendar: The summer calendar was released last month. Click here to download it and save the dates!


LYF This Week 5/16-21


LYF Announcements May 2023