LYF the next few weeks 6/28-7/14

Hello everyone! After an awesome couple of weeks at Middle School Camp and at IMPACT, we’re excited to get back to a super fun Summer of LYF here in Knoxville. Here are the details for everything coming up in the next few weeks!

Lake Day - 7/1: This upcoming Saturday, 7/1, will be our lake day on the Lain’s houseboat. We’ll plan on meeting at the Choto Marina at 1:00pm and being out on the water until around sunset. We’ll hang out on the house boat, swim in the lake, have dinner, and spend some time tubing as well. Students should bring a towel and a change of clothes as well as a water bottle. The address for the Choto Marina is 12214 Choto Marina Wy, Knoxville, TN 37922. Click here to register.

Albany Mission Team Meeting - 7/2: Sunday 7/2 the Albany Mission team will be meeting after worship to discuss logistics and details for our trip, as well as plan out our afternoon VBS program and delegate tasks. All participants should head to the LYF room during the invitation song, and we’ll try to be done with our meeting by 1:00pm.

Wednesday Nights are Back Now - 7/5: We’ll plan on resuming our Summer Wednesday night schedule on Wednesday July 5. Gym opens at 4:30. Dinner at 6:00. Youth group at 7:45.

Service Project - 7/7: We’re still working out the details, but we plan on doing something to serve our homeless neighbors under the bridge outside of KARM again. The leading idea right now is to bring our grill and have a cookout on this date for lunch, but I’m waiting to hear back from KARM about whether or not this will best serve those we wish to serve. If this doesn’t work out the backup plan will be to assemble more care packages and deliver them. Be on the lookout for more details!

Pool Party Devo at the Russells - 7/9: Sunday 7/9 from 5pm-8pm we’ll have a devo at the home of Chase and Ashley Russell. We’ll have dinner, have a devo, and swim in their pool. Students should bring a change of clothes and a towel. Click here to register so we can let the Russells know how many to expect.

Soaky Mountain Waterpark Trip - 7/14: LYF will be going to Soaky Mountain water park on Friday 7/14. The cost is $40 per ticket, and the deadline to register is this upcoming Sunday 7/2. We’ll plan on meeting at 9:00am and being back around 9:00pm. Students should bring a towel, a change of clothes, and $ for lunch in the park, and a fast food dinner on the way home. Click here to register.

Summer Calendar: Click here to download the full summer calendar and save the dates!

