LYF Update 11/4/22

Hello everyone!

LYF has had a great past couple of weeks! Here’s a quick recap of what’s been going on before getting into everything that’s coming up!


Celebration: We had our Halloween edition of Celebration last Sunday 10/30. Shoutout to Josiah Watson for winning our costume contest by going as Mark Smith wearing a blazer and a Hawaiian shirt. We had a ton of fun hanging out, carving pumpkins, and playing some games. Next Celebration won’t be until our Christmas party December 11th.

LYFT: This past Wednesday we had to cancel class due to an issue with the fire alarm system, but the Wednesday before last we began our series on The Shema. You can read all about that by checking out our Going Deeper blog.

Krispy Kreme Fundraiser: Don’t forget about our ongoing donut fundraiser. For every donut sold using our link, half of the proceeds ($7.50 per dozen) will go towards supporting LYF. Anyone reading this can help out in two ways 1) Buy some donuts! Click here to buy donuts to support LYF. You will get a code that you can redeem at your local Krispy Kreme. 2) Share this information with your friends/family/coworkers/social media followers! The more people who share this the more dozens we’ll sell! Happy DOUGHvember everyone!

Coming up!

Links for everything can be found below! Don’t forget the Fall Retreat registration deadline is this Sunday November 6th!

Devo at the Peeks - 11/6 - 5:00-7:00 - Food, Games, Time in the Word - Registration

Pour - 11/13 - 6:00-7:30 - Opportunities for students to ‘pour’ their gifts back into LYF - Registration

Fall Retreat - 11/18-20 - Smoky Mountain Christian Camp - $85 - Registration

Christmas Worship Night - 12/4 - Johnson University - 4:45 at Laurel - Bring $ for dinner - Registration

LYF Christmas Party -12/11 - LYF Room - 5-8pm - Bring $5 Gift for White Elephant - Registration


Going Deeper: Love the LORD your God


LYF Christmas Party