LYF Update 10/21/22

Hello everyone!

LYF has had a great past couple of weeks! Here’s a quick recap of what’s been going on before getting into everything that’s coming up!


Fall Break: I hope everyone enjoyed some time off together as a family over Fall Break. LYF had a couple of fun get togethers, including a hike to Andrew’s Bald and a hangout at the church building last Friday night. You can find pictures of our hike together on instagram @laurelyouth. I enjoyed the rest of Fall Break but am eager to get back into the swing of things with LYF.

Pour: We had a very productive evening at Pour this past Sunday night. Melanie Guyette put together some collages that will be on the walls of the LYF room shortly. We filmed a promotional video for our upcoming Fall Retreat that will debut at LYFT on Wednesday 10/26. The worship team planned our songs for the next month and even began writing our own worship song based on The Shema.

LYFT: This past Wednesday we began our series on The Shema. You can read all about that by checking out our Going Deeper blog.

Sunday Morning Bible Class: This upcoming Sunday our high schoolers will be continuing their series on Exodus which is based on the BEMA podcast. Students can click here to access the podcast episodes and listen beforehand. This will help enrich their discussion on Sunday and help students better retain the information. This upcoming Sunday will be based on episode 22 which is titled “Under the Chuppah.” Middle schoolers will continue their series on 1 and 2 Samuel by discussing the early successes of King David.

Krispy Kreme Fundraiser: On Monday we began a fundraiser with Krispy Kreme called “digital dozens.” For every donut sold using our link, half of the proceeds ($7.50 per dozen) will go towards supporting LYF. Anyone reading this can help out in two ways 1) Buy some donuts! Click here to buy donuts to support LYF. You will get a code that you can redeem at your local Krispy Kreme. 2) Share this information with your friends/family/coworkers/social media followers! The more people who share this the more dozens we’ll sell! Happy octDOUGHber everyone!

Coming up!

Links for everything is below! Make sure and register for Fall Retreat if you’re planning on coming. The deadline is Sunday 11/6 (Aka the Sunday after Tennessee beats Georgia).

Also please register for Celebration so we can know how much food to have ready and how many pumpkins to buy for those interested in pumpkin carving.

Celebration - 10/30 - 5:00-8:00 - Halloween Costume Party - $5-$10 (pumpkin/no pumpkin) - Registration

Devo at the Peeks - 11/6 - 5:00-7:00 - Food, Games, Time in the Word - Registration

Rakeapalooza which was scheduled for 11/8 is being rescheduled due to Lipscomb’s Intern Interview Fair

Pour - 11/13 - 6:00-7:30 - Opportunities for students to ‘pour’ their gifts back into LYF - Registration

Fall Retreat - 11/18-20 - Smoky Mountain Christian Camp - $85 - Registration


Going Deeper: The LORD is One

