LYF Update 10/8/22

Hello everyone!

LYF has had a great past couple of weeks! Here’s a quick recap of what’s been going on before getting into everything that’s coming up!


Guys/Girls Devo: The guys had a ton of fun playing cornhole and hide and seek at the Russells house this past Sunday. We talked about 2 Corinthians 10 and Paul’s thorn in the flesh. It seems the girls devo went well too, thanks to Ava Carter for leading that. Also thanks to the Russells and Carters for hosting!

LYFT: This past Wednesday we concluded our series on the Psalms by having a night of praise. Click here to read more about that by checking out the new “Going Deeper” blog that will help us apply our Wednesday night lessons more directly to our lives.

Sunday School: This upcoming Sunday our high schoolers will be continuing their series on Exodus which is based on the BEMA podcast. Students can click here to access the podcast episodes and listen beforehand. This will help enrich their discussion on Sunday and help students better retain the information. This upcoming Sunday will be based on episode 20 which is titled “With All Your Heart.” Middle schoolers will continue their series on 1 and 2 Samuel.

Coming up!

Fall Break Plans

I’m trying to get a group of students together to go for a hike in the Smokies on the Wednesday of Fall break 10/12. We’ll plan on meeting at Laurel at 8:00am and heading to the Smokies to Andrews Bald. It’s about a 3.5-mile round trip hike and is considered moderately difficult. Anyone interested should let me (Trey) know.

I’m also planning on opening up the LYF room on Friday night (10/14) from 8pm-11pm for anyone who wants to come hang out and play some games. I’ll have snacks and drinks available.

Links for everything else coming up are below. Take special note of the link to the Fall Retreat Info and Registration.

No LYFT 10/12 over Fall Break

Pour - 10/16 - 6:00-7:30 - Opportunities for students to ‘pour’ their gifts back into LYF - Registration

Celebration - 10/30 - 5:00-8:00 - Halloween Costume Party - $5-$10 (pumpkin/no pumpkin) - Registration

Devo at the Peeks - 11/6 - 5:00-7:00 - Food, Games, Time in the Word - Registration

Rakeapalooza which was scheduled for 11/8 is being rescheduled due to Lipscomb’s Intern Interview Fair

Fall Retreat - 11/18-20 - Smoky Mountain Christian Camp - $85 - Registration


Going Deeper: The Shema

