LYF Update

Hello everyone!

LYF has had a great past couple of weeks! Here’s a quick recap of what’s been going on before getting into everything that’s coming up!


Pour: We had our second “Pour” event this past Sunday. I’ve been incredibly encouraged by our student leaders’ passion for their areas of service. One thing they are all expressing is the need for more help with some of the things they are doing to help make our youth ministry better. I’d encourage students to consider how they can help improve our youth group in the areas of worship, outreach/connections, art/decorations, social media, and video. I’d encourage parents to talk with your students about how they can get involved in one of these ministry teams. All of these ministry teams are doing work throughout the school year, not just at Pour. Students who can’t attend pour can still use their gifts to help out in these areas. The next pour will be Sunday October 16.

LYFT: This past Wednesday we continued our series on the Psalms by looking at the Psalms of Disorientation. Click here to read more about that by checking out the new “Going Deeper” blog that will help us apply our Wednesday night lessons more directly to our lives.

Sunday School: Our separate middle and high school classes began this past week. High schoolers are going through Exodus using the Bema Podcast as a template for their lessons. I’d highly recommend giving Bema a listen for those who are unfamiliar. It has really opened my eyes to see the beauty and wisdom of scripture in ways I never would have noticed previously. Middle school is going through 1 and 2 Samuel. Bible class is at 9:30 on Sunday mornings.

Coming up!

Details about everything coming up can be found below. Click on the links for more info. Please register your students for the Middle School and High School devo so our hosts can have a proper estimation of how much food to make. Also take note of our middle school girls sleepover which will be Friday September 30th.

LYF 101 - Orientation for New Families - 9/25 - 3:30-4:30 - LYF Room - Registration

Celebration Paint War - Games, Dinner, Color War, Paint Games - $10 - 9/25 - 5:00-8:00 -Registration

Middle School Girls Sleepover - Missy Clark’s Townsend House -9/30-10/1 - 6:00pm-11:00am - Registration

Guy and Girl Devos - 10/2 - Girls 5-7 @ the Carters - Guys 5:15-7:15 at the Russells - Registration

The Next Pour will be Sunday October 16th!

Save the Date! Fall Retreat 11/18-20! More Details to follow.


Fall Retreat


Middle School Girls Sleepover