LYF Update 4/5/22
Hello Friends and Happy April!
Solid Rock Recap
Our Solid Rock Talent show the Sunday before last was a ton of fun. We had a lot of people do an awesome job putting their talent on display, and we raised over $1900 so far, with more people still planning to give. If you had planned on contributing, but have not yet had a chance, you can do so by following the link below. You can also give me a check with LYF Mission Trip in the memo.
At this point we need to get a rough estimate of how many students plan on attending the Mission Trip to Albany this summer. If you know your student plans on being a part of our team please go ahead and shoot me a text to let me know. Once I get a rough estimate and a final count of how much was raised I can solidify the final cost. I’m expecting when all is said and done for the cost to be around $200.
The Mission Trip to Albany is 7/17-21.
Summer Camps
IMPACT (Church Camp at Lipscomb University for Students currently in 8th grade or older)
June 20-25
Registration Deadline - 5/8
Smoky Mountain Christian Camp (For Students Currently in Middle School)
June 12-17
Registration Deadline - 5/29
Let me know if you have any questions about any of the big trips for the summer. Scholarships are available. Now Here's some info about what's coming up this month.
Saturday 4/9 - Laurel Family Fun Day
Laurel’s Family Fun Day is this coming Saturday from 9am-4pm. This is an opportunity for everyone at Laurel to gather and enjoy time together. There will be lots of activities including singing, food truck, Easter egg hunts, crafts, bingo, homemade dessert table and more. The Family Fun Day will be in place of the Family Retreat. Hoping to see many of you there!
Sunday 4/10 - One Worship Service/Bible Class After
Just a reminder that starting this coming Sunday we will be moving to one worship service that begins at 9:30. Bible class will be after worship from 10:45-11:30. With bible class now being after worship, it is a great opportunity for any families who have only been coming for worship to get plugged into bible class. Our High Schoolers are currently going through the Gospel of John, focusing on the themes of belief, eternal life, and light vs. darkness. Our Middle Schoolers are currently being taught the Parables of Jesus by Pat Fuller. Our Sunday morning bible classes are structured in such a way that we teach the entire bible over the course of 7 years (6th-12th grade).
Monday 4/18 - Service Project
We’re still working out the details of what it is we’ll be doing, but I just want to make sure and remind everyone about the service project we have on the calendar for the Monday after Easter. Students are off school, so we will celebrate the resurrection of Christ by bringing resurrection life into our community. More details, including a registration link will be sent out before the end of the week.
4/22-24 - Spring Retreat
The early bird registration deadline for Spring Retreat has passed, and the cost is now $50 per student. You can register your student using the link below. The deadline to register is April 17.