LYF Update 11/29

Hey everyone! It’s been an awesome November for LYF! Here’s a quick recap of everything that’s been going on before getting into everything that’s coming up!


Fall Retreat: We got back from our Fall Retreat Sunday 11/20. We spent the weekend talking about the Gospel from 5 different angles/perspectives. Those 5 angles are justified, redeemed, adopted, made new, and united. If your student went on the retreat I’d recommend asking them which of the 5 ways of thinking about the Gospel resonated the most with them. If your student did not attend I’d be happy to share all notes/resources/exercises. Just let me know!

Wednesday Nights: The Wednesday before our retreat we finished our series on The Shema. We discussed what it means to love the Lord our God with all of heart, soul, and strength. We talked about how we should love God with everything and in every aspect of our lives. Our love for God should be what drives everything we do, rather than being another “category” of our lives.

Devo at the Peek’s: Thanks to the Peek’s for hosting the youth group for a devotional on November 6. We’re looking for devotional hosts for the Spring semester. If your family is interested let me know.

Pour: We had a very productive pour on Sunday 11/13. We were able to film a “LYF News” video as well as hang some new artwork on the walls.

Doughvember: I wanted to thank you all for your support of our Krispy Kreme fundraiser. We were able to raise over $500 towards our budget. Enjoy your donuts!

Coming up!

There’s a lot here so buckle up!

Baptism Class: This upcoming Wednesday (11/30) we’re going to have a one off class about baptism. This is not at all an attempt to persuade or coerce unbaptized students into a decision. We just want to provide an opportunity for students to have the conversation, have their questions answered, and come to a good understanding of what baptism is, what it means, and why its important.

Homeless Care Packages: The following Wednesday (12/7) we’ll be meeting early to assemble Winter care packages for the homeless. The plan will be to meet for dinner at 6:00, assemble the care packages at 6:20, and then head upstairs for the candle light service at 6:45. Kimberlin and I have already ordered all the items for the care packages and are just asking you all to help contribute to the cost. The total cost for everything we need to make 50 care packages was $267. So that’s about $25 per family for 10.5 families. You can give via breeze or venmo me @treyclark1439.

Spiritual Disciplines Retreat: I’m planning a retreat for students interested in learning about and practicing the spiritual disciplines. Click here to learn more about this experience.

Winterfest: Winterfest will be February 17-19. Be on the lookout for more details. I’m waiting to hear back from our hotel regarding what the rates will be for our block of rooms. Once I have that information I’ll make a post with all the relevant details.

Links for everything else can be found below!

Christmas Worship Night - 12/4 - Johnson University - 4:45 at Laurel - Bring $ for dinner - Registration

LYF Christmas Party -12/11 - LYF Room - 5-8pm - Bring $5 Gift for White Elephant - Registration

Spiritual Disciplines Retreat - 1/13-16 - Application Only - Accepting 8 Students - Application


Spring 2023 Calendar


Spiritual Disciplines Retreat