LYF International Mission Trip Interest Meeting

Hello all! We are in the process of exploring the possibility of planning an international mission trip for summer 2023. We will be having an interest meeting for students and parents interested in an out of country mission trip next summer. The meeting will be Sunday morning 9/18 at 8:30am. Only students currently in high school will be able to attend. Since we are in the very early stages of planning this trip we will not have any information about date, location, or cost. Tentatively I can say the trip will be at some point in mid/late July.

The purpose of this meeting will be to find a few possible organizations with which we can use our specific gifts to partner with. For that reason every student that is interested will be asked to come ready to present 3 possible options for organizations we can partner with. We’re asking students to do this research in order to give them ownership of the trip from the very beginning. At the meeting we’ll discuss the different options and how our gifts might align with the kind of work we’d be doing at a given organization. Students and parents interested in coming on the trip can sign up here.



